camel rider 2013
camel rider 2013



展覧会概要 *English Below


この度、KOKI ARTSでは高山夏希の初個展を開催致します。本展では、高山がこれまで制作した中で最も大きい(幅4メートル)作品を含む新作を展示致します。
本展は高山夏希の初個展ですが、過去に、「ワンダーシード2011」(東京ワンダーサイト渋谷)、「ぞっこんの法則」(アートラボはしもと)、「UNKNOWNS 近藤昌美セレクト」(藍画廊・ギャラリー現)などのグループ展に多数参加しています。
今回、今までで一番大きいサイズの大作「camel rider 2013」では人間と動物との関係や立ち位置を探りながら制作した。今までは自分と身近な動物に焦点をあててきたが、今回は風土が全く違うが、他人事と思えないように思えたモンゴルのラクダとラクダに乗った人の写真をもとに制作をした。
1990年 東京生まれ、東京造形大学 造形学部 美術学科 絵画専攻 在籍中
2013 「Natsuki Takayama Exhibition」KOKI ARTS、東京
2013 「NEW CITY ART FAIR」阪急うめだギャラリー、大阪
2012 「WATARASE Art Project 2012 "PARADE"」、渡良瀬社宅、日光(栃木)
2012 「東京造形大学 自主制作展 高山夏希とフリーダ展 vol.2」東京造形大学、八王子(東京)
2012 「UNKNOWNS 近藤昌美セレクト」藍画廊、東京
2012 「ぞっこんの法則」アートラボはしもと、相模原(神奈川)
2011 「東京造形大学 自主制作展 高山夏希とフリーダ展 vol.1」東京造形大学、八王子(東京)
2011 「4人展」ギャラリー門馬、札幌
2011 「WONDER SEEDS 2011」東京ワンダーサイト渋谷、東京
KOKI ARTS is excited to announce Natsuki Takayama's first solo exhibition. This exhibition will showcase Takayama's new works including her largest ever piece measuring 4 meters wide.
The figures depicted in Takayama's work resemble features of both human beings and animals. When the viewer sees the unidentified "creature", he or she experiences a feeling similar to that of when encountering something for the very first time. Takayama, who loves animals, creates her work based on her own experiences. She applies acrylic very carefully, creating an image that appears as if it were embroidery or made with beads. The result is visually appealing, and the graphic depictions emit a sense of rawness and realism.
Although this will be Takayama's first solo exhibition, she has previously shown in several group exhibitions including "WONDER SEEDS 2011" (TWS shibuya), "Zokkon no Housoku" (Art Laboratory Hashimoto) and "UNKNOWNS" (iGallery/Gallery GEN).
Artist's Statement
I am interested in the moment a human being appears to look like an animal, and the personalities people ingrain in pets. The central motifs of my work are the things inside an animal that mirror that of human beings. 
As I worked on the largest painting I've ever created, "camel rider 2013", I explored the relationship between human beings and animals. In the past, I have focused on animals I am very familiar with, but this time I have painted a Mongolian camel and its rider based on a photograph I have seen, which I felt a strong connection to although it is foreign.
When I had the experience of seeing a Chinese mummy in complete condition from thousands of years ago, I wondered if it were manmade, and at the same time experienced a similar feeling I get when encountering an inspiring work of art. This helped me rethink about the possibilities of painting, and through my work, I hope the viewer experiences a feeling of encountering a creature he or she has never seen before. When I saw the plaster casts made from the victims of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in Pompeii, I noticed that although the casts do not have souls, there certainly remained the "silhouettes" of the instant of life and death. As I look back, I always remember myself being attracted to these things. It is with this consciousness that I create my creatures in the picture. 
Natsuki Takayama